No matter whether for flooring, walls and even ceilings, GRAMA BLEND provides the perfect solution and the appropriate attachment system for every application. GRAMA BLEND can be mounted onto walls and ceilings by means of suitable wall-mounting mechanical fixing systems. Should modifications become necessary later for these elements, easy processing means that they can be dismantled within minutes and be re-installed later in the same or in a different area.

Grama Blend beautiful and functional at the same time...

No matter whether for flooring, walls, and even ceilings, GRAMA BLEND provides the perfect solution and the appropriate attachment system for every application. GRAMA BLEND can be mounted onto walls and ceilings by means of suitable wall-mounting mechanical fixing systems. Should modifications become necessary later for these elements, easy processing means that they can be dismantled within minutes and be re-installed later in the same or in a different area. Processing GRAMA BLEND is easily done with commonly available diamond tools, using dry or wet cutting, an angle grinder, or a builder’s circular saw with a stone cutting wheel. With a large number of edge and corner solutions on offer, GRAMA BLEND can be processed easily, rapidly, and cleanly.

Fixing Solutions

kleben processing


klett processing

Velcro Or Magnetic Band

schrauben processing

Screw Fixing

einhaengesysteme processing

Hanging Systems

deckenraster processing

Mounting Grid Suspended From Ceilings

Edge Finishing

profilante l processing

L-Profile Edge

processing profilkante

U-Profile Edge

stossfuge processing

Open Butt Joint

stumpfer stoss processing

Heading Joint

gehrungsstoss processing

Mitre Joint

gefaste kante processing

Beveled Edge

runde kante processing

Rounded Edge

designer processing

Designer Edge

processing kante

Joint 2 Mm, Beveled Edge

massivkante processing

GRAMA BLEND With Solid Stone Edge

massivprofil processing

GRAMA BLEND With Solid Stone Profile Edge