what is lightweight natural stone from grama blend

What is Lightweight Natural Stone

Grama Blend Lightweight natural stone consists of a thin sheet of natural stone that has been bonded to our lightweight ultra-thin carrier panel, which results in a much lighter product, in some cases reducing weight by up to 70%. These lightweight stone panels can be supplied ready to be fixed to walls, floor, ceilings, furniture and other surfaces more quickly and much easier than traditional thick and heavy natural stone.


Today there are many so-called lightweight stone panels available from a number of suppliers. Most of these products are from China or Europe and are low quality, although there are lighter than solid stone, they are not classed as true lightweight ultra-thin stone due to their overall thickness and minimal weight saving.  Another thing to look out for is whether these alternative products feature voids in the bonding between stone and carrier, as these can prove to be possible failure points after installation.
Grama Blend lightweight stone is produced using a fully automated production system, offering unrivalled quality.
Superyachts, lift cars, mobile homes and aircrafts all require a lightweight stone that has an amount of flexibility without cracking.
Grama Blend lightweight products are tested and approved with current certification, copies available on request.


This is where the fun comes in for interior designers, as our ultra-thin lightweight panels are more versatile offering possibilities never before available in natural stone. Translucent stones such as onyx, semi-precious and a multitude of marbles can be further enhanced using backlighting. Lightweight natural stone is timeless and elegant, there are no visible differences compared to traditional heavier formats of natural stone.


Grama Blend is the original lightweight stone manufacturer with its production based in Bavaria Germany and most of its natural stone sourced directly from Italy. Grama Blend lightweight natural stone is available from only 7mm thick, including stone and carrier, with new supersized panels now available making it the thinnest and lightest, large-format natural stone product on the market today. Grama Blend also offers the largest stone selection for lightweight applications which include, marble, granite, limestone, onyx, semi-precious stone, terrazzo, concrete, quartz, porcelain and much more. To see our full range of natural stone please see our lightweight stone selection.

Grama Blend also offers the market-leading solution for backlit stone including marble and onyx panels. We offer custom fabrication of unique designs which are frameless with no visible fixings and sold as complete plug and play solutions.


All of our lightweight conversion and fabrication is now processed in Germany at our central production facility which was recently upgraded and expanded. Our backlit panels are produced in the UK and are assembled with our stone solutions in both Germany and in the UK.

If you have any question regarding Grama Blend or lightweight ultra-thin stone solutions and their applications please contact us via the contact us page on this website.